Skrei Cod – The Norwegian Miracle

Skrei Cod – The Norwegian Miracle
17th February 2021 Ben Varley

Skrei Cod is a fish with an incredible story. Each year, between January and April, Skrei Cod migrate back from the frozen depths of the Barents Sea, to their original spawning grounds off the coast of northern Norway – A journey of an incredible 1000km!


Skrei Cod is prized for its firm and meaty flesh – not surprising when you consider how hard they have to work! In addition, for fish to truly be classed as Skrei, certain conditions must be met:

  • It must be wild caught from January to April

  • It Must be packed within 12 hours of being caught

  • It Must be fully grown – at least 5 years

  • It Must be caught in traditional spawning grounds of Norway

  • It Must be in immaculate condition – absolutley no bruising or spoiling

We are thrilled to be able to offer this incredible fish to you, the home customer. Available to order from Saturday 20th January in 2 x 200g ready cut portions. If you are a lover of cod this is simply a must have treat and it won’t be around for long!